The Brand Finale

The Brand Finale London 2021


It's fair to say i'm the business og!

15 years of being a CEO has taught me a lot. One of the things I know for definite is there is a lot of moving parts to building a wildly successful business.

There are a lot of hats to wear, and in the early days I wore all the hats, what that means is I had to get good at a lot of things fast. 

One thing for sure is I quickly realised that me having to learn so many new skills held me back. 

Because I don't want you to fall in the same trap, i've gathered some pretty phenomenal experts to teach you all the insider secrets on how to create a successful brand.

The Brand Finale Live Event is created to help women entrepreneurs build their network and connect with likeminded 6 & 7 figure entrepreneurs who will benefit their brand.